Work in progress

Van de Werfhorst, H. G., Zwier, D., Geven, S., Bol, T., & Haelermans, C. (2023, July 21). Social and academic embeddedness function as buffers against pandemic effects on schooling outcomes. (R&R)

Edmark, K., I. Hussain & C. Haelermans (2020). The Impact of Voucher Schools: Evidence from Swedish Upper Secondary Schools. Scandinavian working papers in economics, SOFI working paper series No 3/2020. (R&R)

Jacobs, M., C. Haelermans & M. Meeter (2022). The effects of remediation programs during the COVID-19 pandemic on the achievements of vulnerable students. (revise & resubmit) 

Cabus, S., C. Haelermans, I. Flink, C. Uwamahoro Gafiligi, J.F. Maniraho, K. Rutkowska & J. Peeraer (2020). Evaluating a certificate programme on educational mentorship and coaching leading to induction activities for new teachers in Rwandan primary schools. HIVA Working Paper D/2020/4718/011 – ISBN 9789088361074. (revise & resubmit)

Haelermans, C. J. Ghysels, & F. Prince (2018). The Role of Information in Learning. Information as a Learning Incentive in Secondary School – Evidence from a Randomized Experiment  (working paper). 

Heers, M., C. Haelermans & M. Monfrance (2020). In or Out? The Relationship Between Immigrant Concentration and Dropout of Native and Immigrant Students in Compulsory Education (working paper).

Haelermans, C., L. Ippel, M. Monfrance & A. Zaveri (2020). A cross-country comparison of the digital divide: on how socio-economic status influences the relation between ICT and student performance. (working paper)

Haelermans, C., M. Jacobs, L. van Vugt, B. Aarts, H. Abbink, C. Smeets, R. van der Velden, & S. van Wetten (2021). A full year COVID-19-crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education. (working paper)

Haelermans, C. & J. Ghysels (2019). Effectively involving low-SES parents in human capital development: Evidence from a field experiment. Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market. ROA Research Memoranda, No. 008. (working paper).  (working paper)

Belfi, B. & C. Haelermans (2017). How School SES impacts school related psychosocial development in upper primary school: a propensity matching approach (working paper). 

Haelermans, C., T. Schils and C. Wehner (2022). Unraveling gender differences in objective and subjective school performance outcomes: the role of personality characteristics (working paper). 

Heers, M., C. Haelermans & M. Monfrance (2020). How Important is it With Whom You Go to School? The Relationship between Immigrant Peers and Educational Success Across the Entire School Career of Native and Immigrant Students (working paper).

Haelermans, C. & E. Dirks (2020). Use your hands! Effects of using Gestures in an  Interactive Tutoring System on Vocabulary Learning in Kindergarten (Working  paper). 

Aarts, B., C. Haelermans, M. Jacobs, R. van der Velden, L. van Vugt, S. van Wetten & T. Wijsman (2021). Does school quality matter? School differences during the pandemic. (working paper)

Haelermans, C., De Leeuw, S. & A.M.J. Sandsør (2022). How gender differences among siblings affecgt learning in primary education during the Covid-19 pandemic. (working paper)